Hand Micro-Chipping, Nano Technology And Internet Of Things

People think 5G will kill them. ? It won’t, but how 5G will be used with this old technology won’t be liked one bit. 5G uses Non-Ionising Radiation, and operates on frequencies which cannot penetrate the skin barrier of our bodies because 5G uses millimetre wave technology which is considered to be very dense. That’s why it makes sense that we require so many towers for the connectivity of the network to work correctly. Since 5G doesn’t travel very far.

5G will become part of the “Internet Of Things”, but also, so will we. Let me explain…

This is where our future is going. As we too become part of the “Internet Of Things”. Your PPS/Social services number, medical records, bank details, bus and train pass, passport, social media accounts, and so much more will be programmed into a tiny RFID chip, and injected into your hand for convenience of use in your everyday life.

Your personal RFID chip will be how you will check-in and check-out of Facebook, a shop, an airport, doctors office, and medical rooms etc. It will be how you will unlock and start your car, and how you will unlock a gun if you own one. It will also be how you will top-up your Electricity and Gas meters and pay your utility bills. If that sounds scary, it really isn’t. Right now, we have the same technology in our phones which is inside an app called Google Pay. So, how is this any different to having a chip in your hand?

As for the procedure; well, that’s actually rather simple and it doesn’t hurt one bit to install. Take a look for yourself in the video.

How do I know so much about the subject of RFID and nano technology?

I’ve been a micro-programmer for many years and it’s part of my job to be up-to-date with all the latest tech. I have been programming nano/micro technology for a few years now, and you wouldn’t believe me if I told you this is old military technology which we should have been using in the 90’s. From what I know of this technology; I don’t think people will be comfortable with this device under their skin, mostly because of the implications from a security prospective regarding wireless hacking technologies which exist today and may compromise the security of your chip.

However, I don’t see this as an issue going forward, as encryption and microchips are meticulously advancing every day and our technology is getting even smarter, smaller and more secure. Maybe it’s just something we all need to become comfortable with; the idea of foreign objects living in our bodies for the greater good and for the conveniences RFID chips offer us?

In Swedish society, this is the root their people are willingly going. Where RFID chips are becoming the norm, and people are beginning to sign-up for these new chips for the convenience they bring to our daily lives. Reports that I’ve researched on this nano technology support the claim that they too will support GPS tracking in the near future. GPS tracking is a feature of the chip, one which will allow employers to be able to track where their employees are, if they don’t turn up for work. Some people believe GPS is a step to far. Currently this feature isn’t part of the RFID program, as many countries worldwide would need to draft their own legislation before this feature will be supported at all, let alone for employers.

Before, we had to get our big phone out of our pockets, find the Apple Pay or Google Pay app, or even worse, find a wallet in a bag that is easy to lose or a set of keys that weigh a lot. Now you can open any doors you need, buy food, clothes, and tickets with just one simple move. Maybe, 5 years from now, some of my readers will read this article and laugh at such conservative views. But the ethical side of this topic still worries a lot of people.

What are your thoughts?